This forum was conceived with the "beginning" artist in mind, and for those with the creative spirit. You don't have to let fear or embarrassment hold you back from showing off, or simply talking about, your creative pursuits here. We all have to start somewhere and it's nice to have a group of friends along for moral support. With that in mind, let's make this a community where we can come for inspiration and encouragement.
1. Only positive comments are allowed. Criticism tends to stifle creativity, so let's encourage one another instead!
2. Please keep images reasonably sized for those with slower connection speeds. 700 x 700 and under 400kb is best. You can leave a thumbnail picture or a link to a larger image.
3. Please leave a warning in the topic title if your image contains nudity or something that shouldn't be seen by the younger crowd. If it becomes necessary, I will set up a private, password protected forum for such images.
That's it for now. More rules might be added in the future if needed.
Fantasy/Sword and Sorcery lover, Anime fangirl, Creative Being